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Welcome to The Anther’s Promise. This is a pollen library consisting of bee-collected and flower-produced pollen. The pollen light microscopy photos were taken with a Leica Microsystems DM750, with a Leica ICC50 HD camera. The pollen was collected from University of Delaware and Mount Cuba Center apiaries and botanical gardens.

This pollen ecology research project was led by Dr. Deborah Delaney, and several students in the Honey Bee Behavior and Pollen Ecology Laboratory at the University of Delaware.

For any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Anissa at Anissa@udel.edu

Plant photographs were contributed by Peter Lindtner and Alexander Tewnion.

We are currently using Broodminder devices to track weight and internal humidity and temperature in two of our hives. Check us out! Hive 21  Hive 4

Delaware Hives on Beekeeping.io